Psychoanalysis is the most effective and sustainable treatment method for a broad range of psychic problems and psychologically caused somatic diseases, tailor-made for the respective suffering individual human being.
The method was developed by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) and has been continuously refined ever since. It is based on the assumption that the single human being, the subject, has a highly individual and idiosyncratic psychological development and that his or her thinking, experience, feelings, attitudes and behavior are shaped by his or her own unconscious inner world of fantasies, imaginations and memories.
In our daily lives, unresolved traumata and inner conflicts are constantly being reactivated, thus leaving their marks in our relationships, feelings, plans and activities. They disturb and sabotage our success and joy of living by inhibitions, symptoms, anxieties and other self-destructive patterns.
Psychoanalysis is suitable for people of every age. In my practice for psychoanalysis in Zurich, I treat patients from 15 to 80 years old.
Typical moments when men or women seek psychoanalytic help are life crisis: In adolescence and young adulthood (approx. age from 15 to 30), in midlife (approx. age from 35 to 55), and in the transition to old age (approx. age from 55 to 70).
Psychoanalytic treatment takes place in a safe and reliable setting: Analyst and patient meet three to four times a week over a longer period of time (usually several years) at regular fixed times. The patient lies on the couch and expresses his feelings, thoughts, associations, dreams, whatever spontaneously comes to his mind. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of dreams.
Analyst and patient cooperate in this, they reflect on the content of the patient’s thoughts, feelings and behavior. Together they get to the bottom of the unconscious causes of the patient’s problems. The aim is to overcome the unconscious barriers and inhibitions against achieving one’s life goals. A very important point is that these life goals are not set by the analyst or society, but that each and everyone becomes happy after his or her own fashion («Façon» (preferences, wishes)).
Psychoanalysis works because the unconscious causes of problems and symptoms are explored and overcome. Special attention is paid to the inner resistances all human beings are experiencing, when they are confronted with unpleasant feelings, fantasies and memories. To become aware of these resistances, to understand their origin and overcome them, in order to get in touch with repressed feelings and conflicts, to confront and tolerate these feelings, is an essential element of psychoanalytic work. It is the only way to emotional growth, to become stronger and set free our blocked energy und use them to attain our life goals.
Psychoanalysis has a long-term effect because in analysis the patient learns to become an analyst of himself. The analyst operates as kind of a trainer teaching the patient in close cooperation the instruments to understand his feelings, thoughts and behavior, and discover new attitudes and solutions. Psychoanalysis is not a quick fix delivering cheap advice and simple solutions to your problems. It is sustainable and profoundly effective change of your own personality according to your own life goals.
Generally, these life goals comprise satisfaction and success in work life, a happy love life and fulfilling sexuality, and a comprehensive sense of vitality and joy in life.
I would be happy to advise you in my practice for psychoanalysis in Zurich, just get in touch.
Psychoanalysis usually takes place lying on the couch and with three to four sessions per week. In Psychotherapy, the therapist and patient sit vis-à-vis each other. Psychoanalysis is more intense and has more profound and longer lasting effects than Psychotherapy, and usually takes a longer time. You may apply the famous Pareto Principle to highlight the difference: With 20 percent input you achieve 80 percent of maximum quality (Psychotherapy). To achieve top level, 100 percent of satisfaction and maximum quality, you have to invest additional 80 percent (Psychoanalysis).
Psychoanalysis is the treatment of choice for a broad range of psychological problems and psychic as well as psychically caused disorders (e.g. psychosomatic diseases), such as depression, anxiety/phobia, obsessive-compulsive thoughts and behavior, inhibitions of learning and work capacity, productivity and creativity, sexual problems and disorders, relationship and contact disorders, addiction, perversion, pathological retreat, inferiority and guilt complexes, and many others.
Lying on the couch is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. . In this way, you can relax more easily, feel less controlled by the gaze of the analyst, you can give yourself more to your feelings and thoughts, and speak out freely.
No. They listen very well and attentively, and above all differently than the average person. They also open themselves up to feel what the patient is feeling and to observe what is going on in the relationship. This naturally leads them to be more silent. Psychoanalysts talk primarily to encourage and support the patient in exploring his psyche, to give him impetus in understanding his problems, and to reveal unconscious motives.
It is always difficult to talk about intimate issues (soul striptease). I will encourage and support you to find words for what is going on inside you. In addition, I also pay attention to your non-verbal signals. From my side, I endeavor to create a warm, unconditionally accepting and free atmosphere for conversation.