English Speaking Business Coach in Zurich


What is Meant by Coaching?

Coaching is a form of support for professionals, mostly leaders from industry, government and public institutions, small- und medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), banking and other areas of the tertiary sector. The goal of Coaching is to enhance the leadership and management capabilities of the Coachee.

Central to this is the establishment of a strong relationship of trust between Coach and Coachee.

There Are Different Coaching Approaches

Coaching in the narrower sense focuses on increasing the effectivity and productivity of the Coachee. The Coach discusses and analyzes with the Coachee situations from his daily work, be it tactical and strategic issues or be it impasses and problems in which the Coachee finds himself.

This may include conflicts with subordinate employees and other work colleagues, difficulties in appearing confident, motivational issues or general professional discontent. It is all about recognizing and overcoming the Coachee’s inner resistances, inhibitions and self-sabotaging patterns and encouraging him to try out new approaches and solutions.

I consider myself as an engaged and sometimes provocative companion on the Coachee’s journey to more professional satisfaction and success. I point at delicate issues, encourage to reflect and question taboos and to break free from habitual and dysfunctional thinking and behavior patterns.

Coaching in the broader sense includes not only the professional issues of the Coachee, but also his entire personality, private life and work-life-balance.

Workaholism and the difficulties of reconciling great commitment in professional life with good organization of marital and family relationships as well as the development and preservation of intimate and lasting friendships are topics often discussed and dealt with in this broader approach to Coaching.

Live well, love well, work well – on this trinity we work in this form of Coaching!

The holistic approach is suitable for those Coachees who want to increase their work and leadership skills and comprehensively change and develop their personality.

The Coach-Coachee relationship includes a friendship element. In a way, I consider myself to be an elder brother or sister providing the Coachee with instruments to get to know and understand himself better and to engage in an open process of personal development.

The transition from Coaching to Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis is fluid, depending on the wish of the client to work with me more intensively.

Coachee and Coach meet every two to three weeks for an intensive exchange of two to three sessions (lasting 45 minutes each).

As English-speaking business coach in Zurich, I always prepare intensively for such a meeting. The coachee should get the maximum out of a meeting in terms of questions and impulses, ideas for solutions, the joy of experimentation and the courage to set off.

Coaching is strategic and tactical, the Coach has the mid- and long-term interests of the Coachee in mind, but also his short-term consulting needs in critical life and work situations.

Coaching has both a short-term and long-term effect because the blocks of two to three meetings of intensive exchange are embedded in the Coachee’s everyday life and repeatedly take him out of his habitual patterns of experience, thinking and behavior. It is a form of productive “disturbance” aiming to free fallow potentials of the Coachee and to get him out of his unsatisfactory but cozy comfort zone.

In this sometimes quite unsettling process, the Coach is a stable and reliable companion analogous to a mountain guide bringing one safely to the summit (and back down again

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Coaching

How does Coaching differ from Expert Advice or Therapy?

Expert Advice is to Coaching what reading a book about football is to proper football training. The Coach analyzes the Coachee’s mistakes, errors, flaws and shows him how to do it correctly. Together, they look for the roots of the Coachee’s blockages and success inhibitions. And in doing so, the Coach encourages his Coachee to go beyond his inner limits.

The transition from Coaching to Psychotherapy is fluid. Psychotherapy relies on continuous regular sessions, Coaching on intensive meetings at longer intervals. The goals of Coaching in the narrower sense of the word are purely professional: Greater effectiveness and increased productivity of the client. The holistic Coaching, in which the entire life organization of the Coachee is taken into consideration, comes closer to the approach of Psychotherapy.

There are Coaches a dime a dozen. What makes a Coach a good Coach?

The problem is that Coach is not a legally protected job title. And there is no such thing as an official training curriculum to become a Coach.

Therefore, there are many self-proclaimed Coaches and charlatans in the Coaching field, often experienced professionals who have retired from their traditional occupation, without any actual training in communicative and clinical skills, but who coach younger colleagues in need for help. They lack basic capacities of assessing the personalities of their Coachees and leading them through their states of crises and change.

My working style as English-speaking business coach in Zurich is based on my psychoanalytical training and decades of experience in dealing with human problems as well as my own leadership experience as president of national and international organizations.

Good Coaching is more than pats on the back and well-meaning advice.

It asks the right questions, holds an incorruptible mirror to the Coachee, and encourages him to confront and deal with his own potentials, flaws and inhibitions in an informed way. It is Leadership and Psychoanalysis training in one.

Are there different Coaching Approaches?

I practice both professional and management/leadership Coaching in the narrower sense of the word aiming at increasing the professional capacities of the Coachee, as well as holistic Coaching targeting the comprehensive personality development of the Coachee. The Coachee decides where our journey will take us.

What does Coaching cost?

The hourly rate is 300 CHF for a 60-minutes-session. This fee includes all preparation and post-session analytical work of the Coach. This fee is comparable with the hourly rate for Organizational Consulting and higher than the fee for Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy or Supervision due to the fact that the pre- and post-session work of the Coach is more intense and time-consuming (longer intervals between the sessions).