Opening hours
- Monday - Friday 7-20
- Saturday 9-12
All my books are published in German. English, Russian and French Translations are planned and welcome. Translators for English, Russian and French as well as editors are kindly invited to contact me.
Причина гомосексуальности (Reason for Homosexuality)
Published in German: The first volume of her Collected Works has been published in a foreign language. I am especially proud that this language is Russian! In Russia, there is a lively Psychoanalytic Community, flourishing since 1993, after Boris Jeltsin in his famous decree lifted the 60 years’ prohibition of Psychoanalysis by the Communist Party. I succeeded in gaining the Moscow Publishing house Psyllabus for the publication of Le Soldat’s work, frommann-holzboog Publishing in Stuttgart has thankfully granted the license.
Cinépassion - Coming of Age
Published in German: The fourth volume of the Cinépassion Series contains twenty psychoanalytic film commentaries by twelve authors. I wrote about: THE LOVELY BONES (2009) by Peter Jackson, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE (1971) by Stanley Kubrick, and WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN (2011) by Lynne Ramsay. Good vacation reading!
Judith Le Soldat heute. Theorie und Praxis.
Published in German. The work of the Swiss Psychoanalyst Judith Le Soldat (1947 – 2008) revises and expands the classical theory of the Oedipus Complex and thus closes gaps in the psychoanalytic development theory. Le Soldat revolutionizes the way of looking at hitherto insufficiently understood developments and disorders, and provides the Psychoanalyst a powerful instrument to see, understand and treat previously incomprehensible clinical phenomena. The series Judith Le Soldat heute. Theorie und Praxis. publishes texts about Le Soldat’s thinking and theoretical concepts as well as on their application in various fields.
Volume 1: Published in September 2021!Trieb und Ödipus. Einführung in das Denken und Werk von Judith Le Soldat.
Herausgegeben von Markus Fäh. Published in German. Edited by Markus Fäh. With the cooperation of Elisabeth Geiger and Christoph Kappeler. With contributions of Markus Fäh, Elisabeth Geiger, Monika Gsell, Christoph Kappeler and Dominic Suter.
Judith Le Soldat made groundbreaking discoveries as part of her theory of Oedipal development: The child creates imaginary organs, in fantasy commits acts of castration, robbery, murder and treason, and thereby gets into hopeless and desperate psychological situations. These infantile solutions leave deep traces in the human psyche und lead to the fatal human tendency towards unhappiness. This innovative expansion of Oedipal development theory fills gaps in Classical Psychoanalysis and opens up new perspectives and more effective treatment approaches, especially for success inhibitions, anxiety, depression and sexual symptoms.
In the first volume of the series, experts in the Le Soldat Theory first introduce her new and expanded theory of the Oedipus Complex, and then illustrate by means of detailed child observations and treatment reports with adult patients the clinical and therapeutic relevance and application. The book is aimed equally at experienced Psychoanalysts and Psychotherapists as well as students and interested laypersons.
Volume 2 (in planning)Cinépassion – The Sequel. Eine psychoanalytische Filmrevue.
Published in German. The third volume of the Cinépassion series. With fascinating and inspiring commentaries about well-known and lesser-known cinema gems!
Cinépassion Reloaded – Eine psychoanalytische Filmrevue.
Published in German. The second volume of the Cinépassion series: Film analyses and commentaries from the last three years of Cinépassion Matinées. Perfect vacation reading and lively introduction to psychoanalytic thinking!
Was tut ein Psychoanalytiker? Vorträge und Schriften zur Praxis der Psychoanalyse.
Published in German. A reader with texts from the psychoanalytic, theoretical, film-analytical, culture-critical and sociological workshop of a practicing Psychoanalyst.
ISBN: 978-3-902626-33-2
Reduced Price EURO 25 (Swiss francs/CHF 30) plus shipping charges. Order at
Cinépassion – eine psychoanalytische Filmrevue.
Published in German. First volume of the Cinépassion series. An enrichment of psychoanalytic film interpretation. The Swiss Approach, strongly influenced by French Psychoanalysis.
Saturday morning, once a month, the project «Cinépassion» offers film matinées: Psychoanalysts present their favourite movies and give an input for an open discussion with the audience. The authors in this volume take a very personal point of view, they reflect on the films based on their theoretical preferences. The goal is not a hermetically sealed interpretation, but an opening access that shows the communicative function of the medium of film. Mit Beiträgen der Herausgeber sowie Hans Peter Bernet, Johannes Binotto, Ingrid Feigl, Bianca Gueye, Rolf Hächler, Andrea Kager, Beate Koch, Alexander Moser, Alba Polo, Wiebke Rüegg-Kulenkampff und Mirna Würgler.
Путь Аналитика (Der Weg des Analytikers – Grundlegende Prinzipien der psychoanalytischen Technik).
Published in Russian. Introductory work to psychoanalytic technique. The individual Psychoanalyst replicates in the course of his professional development the historical development of psychoanalytic technique.
ISBN 978-5-91681-019-6
My second volume of the Zytglogge series. This is about the bad habit of complaining and whining. Stop whining, and start changing your life!
Das Triviale der Liebe.
Published in German. The third volume of my Zytglogge series of popular psychological non-fiction books. This is about LOVE! How we desperately search for it, and how we inevitably miss it!
Der perfekte Mann.
Published in German. Second volume of the Zytglogge series. How do you become a perfect example of a male being? Ironic guidebook.
Gesundheit kommt von innen. Published in German.
My first popular guidebook! I am still proud of it. A concept for a holistically healthy life, lots of practical advice.
Sinn und Unsinn in der Psychotherapieforschung. Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Aussagen und Forschungsmethoden.
Published in German. Our scientific re-analysis of Klaus Grawe’s Meta-Analysis. He went public with questionable allegations on the basis of inadequate research methods. This triggered a veritable shitstorm against psychoanalytic work. Gottfried Fischer and me, we proposed sound and solid research logics, and we came to the conclusion: Sustainable and efficient psychotherapeutic work must always fight against short-term economic pressure for effectiveness!