Employee Coaching in Zurich


Unleashing the Full Potential of Your Employees…

Are you a manager, SME owner, organizational leader, department head, or hold another key role? Do you have employees who are not fully realizing their potential? Employees you wish to nurture because you believe in them, yet they are held back by inhibitions, issues, lack of confidence, or the right mindset?

If so, consider enrolling them in employee coaching.

Employee coaching involves a series of individual sessions spread over the medium term. These sessions aim to empower employees to identify and overcome their inner saboteurs, obstacles, fears, and limiting attitudes. This coaching can also effectively address chronic job dissatisfaction that may be rooted in personality traits. By fostering personal growth and professional development, employee coaching helps transform latent potential into tangible performance.


Employee coaching offers significant advantages for your company or organization by:


Employee coaching provides substantial benefits to individual employees by:


Employee Coaching in a Hospital

The chief physician of a hospital encouraged a long-standing staff member, also a doctor, to take advantage of employee coaching. The coachee, a dedicated mid-level doctor, was well-liked by both patients and colleagues but was chronically overwhelmed and dissatisfied with her work situation. She was considering resignation and discussed this with her superior, who was alarmed and eager to retain his valuable employee.

He encouraged her to give the hospital another chance and to reflect on the causes of her dissatisfaction. During the coaching sessions, it quickly became evident that her dissatisfaction stemmed from an inability to set boundaries, a desire to be universally liked, and an overly strict conscience demanding total dedication to everyone and everything. The deeper root was a chronic sense of inferiority, leading her to feel the need to constantly prove her worth. This made her an easy target for exploitation, as the small favors she readily provided accumulated into overwhelming overwork.

Through coaching, she made significant progress: she learned to assert herself and occasionally say no. She learned to tolerate tensions and anxieties instead of submitting to every unreasonable request or demand. Eventually, she understood that she needed to address the underlying causes of her inferiority complex. This realization led to a longer, successful developmental process, accompanied by psychotherapy.


In addition to employee coaching, I also offer executive coaching. With my training, the transition from coaching to psychotherapy, and from there to psychoanalysis, can be seamless without needing to change your coach or therapist. Furthermore, I provide organizational consulting and supervision, including individual supervision, team supervision, and case supervision.


FAQ - Coaching

How does Coaching differ from Expert Advice or Therapy?

Expert Advice is to Coaching what reading a book about football is to proper football training. The Coach analyzes the Coachee’s mistakes, errors, flaws and shows him how to do it correctly. Together, they look for the roots of the Coachee’s blockages and success inhibitions. And in doing so, the Coach encourages his Coachee to go beyond his inner limits.

Der Übergang von Coaching zu Psychotherapie ist fliessend. Psychotherapie setzt auf kontinuierliche regelmässige Sitzungen, Coaching auf intensive Meetings in grösseren Abständen. The goals of Coaching in the narrower sense of the word are purely professional: Greater effectiveness and increased productivity of the client. The holistic Coaching, in which the entire life organization of the Coachee is taken into consideration, comes closer to the approach of Psychotherapy.

There are Coaches a dime a dozen. What makes a Coach a good Coach?

The problem is that Coach is not a legally protected job title. And there is no such thing as an official training curriculum to become a Coach.

Therefore, there are many self-proclaimed Coaches and charlatans in the Coaching field, often experienced professionals who have retired from their traditional occupation, without any actual training in communicative and clinical skills, but who coach younger colleagues in need for help. They lack basic capacities of assessing the personalities of their Coachees and leading them through their states of crises and change.

Mein Arbeitsstil als Business Coach in Zürich beruht auf meiner psychoanalytischen Ausbildung und jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung im Umgang mit menschlichen Problemen sowie meiner eigenen Führungserfahrung als Präsident von nationalen und internationalen Organisationen.

Good Coaching is more than pats on the back and well-meaning advice.

It asks the right questions, holds an incorruptible mirror to the Coachee, and encourages him to confront and deal with his own potentials, flaws and inhibitions in an informed way. It is Leadership and Psychoanalysis training in one.

Are there different Coaching approaches?

I practice both professional and management/leadership Coaching in the narrower sense of the word aiming at increasing the professional capacities of the Coachee, as well as holistic Coaching targeting the comprehensive personality development of the Coachee. The Coachee decides where our journey will take us.

Wieviel kostet Coaching?

Der normale Stundenansatz für eine 60-minütige Coaching-Session liegt bei CHF 300. Dieser Stundenansatz beinhaltet sämtlichen Vor- und Nachbereitungswand Ihres Business Coach in Zürich. Der Ansatz ist vergleichbar mit dem Ansatz für Organisationsberatung und höher als bei Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie oder Supervision. Dies da der Coach sich intensiver und zeitaufwändiger auf die einzelnen, in grösseren Abständen, stattfindenden SItzungen vorbereitet und die Ergebnisse der Sitzungen nachbereitet.