Case supervision is an offering for all professionals who work with people: doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, nurses, clergy, police officers, and service providers of all kinds.
In this process, the individual case is at the center. The focus is on understanding the unique aspects, challenges, pitfalls, obstacles, and potentials of each case. The goal is to find better solutions for the successful “treatment” of the case.
Individual sessions typically last 45-60 minutes, with double sessions lasting longer. Group sessions generally span 90-120 minutes, or longer for larger groups. These sessions are usually held at my office. However, upon the client’s request, especially for larger group supervisions, they can also be conducted at the client’s company or institution. .
The experiences and knowledge of the client, group, or organization are optimally utilized. I contribute my psychoanalytic, clinical, and group dynamics expertise, along with decades of experience. I help identify blind spots for the clients or group, open new perspectives, esolve comprehension blockages, and explore new solutions.
In specific professions, such as psychiatry and psychotherapy, supervision is an essential component of both training and continuing education. As a training analyst and educator at various esteemed institutions, I have been providing this form of supervision to individuals and groups for decades.
I consider myself a trainer, dedicated to helping you better understand and manage your current cases while identifying effective solutions. As a professional educator, I am committed to ensuring that my clients remain at the forefront of their field . in ihrem Berufsfeld zu bleiben. Dazu gehört Ermutigung, zu lesen, zu üben und sich weiterzuentwickeln.
Psychoanalytic or psychotherapeutic case supervision, in its most precise form, is dedicated to uncovering the unconscious conflicts and experiences of the “case” alongside the supervisee. The supervisee provides detailed accounts of their work with the case. In supervision, the hidden messages and unconscious relationship dynamics between the supervisee and their patient/client are meticulously explored and uncovered. The objective is to resolve comprehension blockages, navigate out of impasses, and enhance the effectiveness of the case management.
In these environments, case supervision and team supervision often intersect. Typically, the process begins with case supervision, where the team aims to discuss cases and develop better strategies for managing them, thus resolving entanglements and dead ends. However, due to unconscious enactments within team dynamics, disagreements about case management, and varying approaches, group dynamics frequently emerge as a focal point during case supervision. These dynamics may involve role conflicts between different professional groups and personalities, as well as subtle or overt power struggles.
In such scenarios, I adopt a flexible approach to case supervision, simultaneously addressing team dynamic conflicts alongside the case work. This method aims to eliminate group dynamic obstacles that impede effective therapeutic, social pedagogical, or client-focused work. Sometimes, a supervisor-led team retreat, spanning an entire day, is essential for team development and improving client orientation.
Supervision is useful for all specialists in “people professions” who want to learn how to relate to their clients/patients, understand them better and work with them more successfully.
If you have any further questions, I would be happy to advise you on the English-speaking supervision in Zurich that I offer.
Supervision uses the psychoanalytical knowledge and method to support and guide the Supervisee in how to better understand the unconscious dynamics of the relationship with his clients, to recognize and overcome the clients’ and his own blind spots. For this purpose, the Supervisee describes conversations and relational situations with his clients as part of the Supervision session.
The Supervisor points out facts and feelings that the Supervisee has not perceived or not taken into account, thus helping him to break free from communication barriers and dead ends. I also show the Supervisee alternatives on how to deal with clients. The goal is always to enhance to professional capacities of the Supervisee, the focus is not or only partly on the Supervisee’s own personal problems.
I consider myself to be an engaged and warm cooperation partner, an experienced colleague, helping the Supervisee to realize his professional potential, making him stronger in his capabilities and interventions. My role is that of a teacher in guiding his disciples to think more freely and creatively, to act strategically and tactically, and to intervene courageously.
In Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, the focus is on the personal problems and conflicts of the clients/patients. In Supervision, the focus is on client- or patient-related requests of the Supervisee. Sometimes, personal questions or problems of the Supervisee also emerge in Supervision. Of course, these can be discussed as well, and, where obstructive, worked on and overcome.